WARNING! The KAUTER N must only be used by persons
who, under consideration of this instruction manual, have
been trained in the proper handling of the KAUTER N or
the unit combination (KAUTER N, cautery electrodes).
Only those persons should be trained who are suitable due
to their knowledge and practical experience.
ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH assumes no liability for
damage due to improper application.
Questions, ERBE
If anything is unclear or if you have questions, please
contact an ERBE employee or a local ERBE business
Customer Hotline
office, or use the ERBE Customer Hotline. We would
be pleased to assist you and appreciate your suggestions
regarding this instruction manual.
3. General description of the unit
Electrocautery is the oldest form of coagulation using
electrical current.
The application of heat for the coagulation of vessels was
already known in ancient Egypt.
With the invention of the transformer and the battery, the
coagulation of vessels by means of a hot wire was also
introduced into medicine. Since the invention of HF
surgery, electrocautery for stopping hemorrhage has
become insignificant, although it continues to be used
for specific interventions in ophthalmology and ENT.
The ERBE KAUTER N is an electrocautery unit with a
precisely controllable electrical output.
Receiving inspection
The unit should be inspected for transport damage
immediately upon receipt and subjected to a performance
test in accordance with Chap. 4.
The unit should be stored in the original packaging when
not in use. If returned, the unit should also be sent in the
original packaging.