4. Can I place my El Niño solar collectors on a roof?
Answer: Yes of course. Please note that in most cases this will require a stronger pump (see
above). Use the El Niño Mounting clips for easy installation.
5. How do I maximize the performance of the system?
Answer: To maximize the use of sun energy:
a. Make sure that the collectors are placed directly towards the sun, with no obstacles preventing
the irradiation.
b. Make sure that the collectors are shielded against the wind. A high wind exposure causes
substantial energy losses.
c. Use the El Niño mounting frame to lift the collectors from the ground. By preventing heat
losses on the back of the collector the efficiency will increase. If you wish to put the El Niño
directly on the ground an insulation sheet is recommended.
d. Make sure to cover the pool during night or poor weather conditions. Up to 85 % of the energy
losses are due to evaporation from the pool surface.
e. Make sure that the circulation over the collectors only are operating when the sun is shin-
ing. It could be recommended to install a timer on the circulation pump that only allows it to run
through the day.
6. Can I leave my installation out even if the temperature is below the freezing point?
Answer: The material will become fragile when temperature drops below the freezing point. Tests
have shown that the material will resist if there is no circulation and the collectors are handled
carefully. NB: The limited warranty issued by Texsun will not cover damages due to operation
below the freezing point.
7. How many El Niños can I put together in one system?
Answer: The El Niño system is built to match pools up to ~25 sqm. You can connect up to 6 collectors to
the by-pass unit.
NB: Be aware of the fact that many larger pools are equipped with very powerful circulation pumps.
Refer to "Checking the pressure" above to make sure that the pump is producing the right pressure.
8. One of my El Niños has suffered a small scratch which has caused a small leakage,
can I mend the leak in any way?
Answer: Yes, small cuts caused by rough handling can be repaired wit a PVC glue and a piece of
PVC. Please consult your local hardware store for information.