PG 25
- Up to 10 daily programs of turn on and turn off.
- 10 kind of weekly cycles.
- Minimum interval programming: 1 minute.
- Maximum programming set: 7 days.
- Clock mode 12h. and 24h.
- Summer time mode.
- Manual/Setting/Random modes.
1. Initial setting
Use a pointed object (such as paper clip) to press RESET button and clean all before settings. Display will
show as pic 1 and change to clock mode as pic 2 automatically.
Pic 1
2. Clock setting
2.1. Press CLOCK button to enter in clock mode.
2.2. Press and hold CLOCK button, press WEEK button to select current day of the week, press HOUR button
to select current HOUR and by last press MINUTE button to set current minutes.
2.3. Press CLOCK and TIMER buttons at the same time to set 12h mode or 24h mode.
2.4. Press CLOCK and ON/AUTO/OFF button at the same time to turn on summer time mode, display will
show SUMMER.
3. Programming setting
3.1. Unplug timer, press TIMER button to enter in programming mode.
3.2. Press WEEK mode to set programming cycle in following order:
Single day: MO -> TU -> WE -> TH -> FR -> SA -> SU.
Every day: MO TU WE TH FR SA SU -> Working days: MO TU WE TH FR.
Weekend: SA SU -> Except Sunday: MO TU WE TH FR SA.
Other days: MO WE FR -> TU TH SA -> MO TU WE -> TH FR SA ->MO WE FR SU.
3.3. Press HOUR button to set hour. Press MINUTE button to set minutes.
3.4. Press RES/RCL to clear o reset before configuration.
3.5. Press again TIMER button, to keep with next program of turning on/off following steps 3.2 – 3.4.
3.6. If you don't touch any button for 30 seconds, timer will exit of programming mode. Press CLOCK button
to exit of programming mode too.
4. Random mode
Timer will turn on in random way to simulate home presence.
4.1. Press RANDOM button, display will show RANDOM so function is on from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Pic 2