CONTROL START UP (with a BTCS620 sensor)
1. Do a sensor precise mechanic mounting and align both marks on shaft and front flange regarding the dancer arm
middle position.
2. Plug the sensor to SK2 connector with the 2 connectors wire supplied in mounting kit N° 1, 3 or 7.
3. Connect the electromagnetic brake or the electro-pneumatic converter to SK4 connector. If you have a brake the
0-24 V will be between pin 1 and 5, it doesn't matter the polarity ; if you have an electro-pneumatic converter the
output 0-10 V will be between pin 2 et 4, in this case respect the polarity.
4. Connect the auxiliary contacts, wire always contact S1(integral locker), closed when machine stopped and open
for regulation. Eventually wire contacts : brake ON (24 V on brake), brake OFF (0 V on brake) or gain change.
5. Conncet the control to supply voltage 110 to 240 V 50/60 Hz single phase and push button power ON, Check
that the other front is ON : regulated brake. Close contact S1 integral locker, turn the potentiometer "Torque
offset" at middle-stroke et turn the potentiometer "Loop gain" to maximum. Move the dancer arm from top to
bottom and check if :
The sensor head goes smoothly from red to green or inverse, if you have colour sudden change then turn 180° the
sensor axis. When the colour change, the led must be off around the dancer arm working position.
The brake must have his biggest torque when the dancer loop is the biggest if not change the switch position at
the sensor rear.
Move the dancer arm to be in medium working position. Turn the potentiometer "P7" to be sure that the LED
"sensor error" is not lighted on because the "0" electronic must be in line with the mechanic zero.
6. Open the brake with the front switch "Brake open", then brake level indicator must be off. Load the machine with
big diameter roll, turn the gain potentiometer to middle stroke. If the brake is not completely open with the dancer
arm in upper position, turn the potentiometer anti-residual orange P1 until to have the brake free(anti-residual
range 0 to -3V).
7. Activate brake switch to ON position and start slowly the machine to adjust the potentiometer "Torque offset" until
the dancer arm reaches his working position, open the S1 contact et adjust the gain to have good dancer arm
stability. If the dancer become unstable for roll end then reduce a little the gain potentiometer.
8. This control has inside independent adjustment for P,I ,D, parameters. If you have always no stability, open the front
panel and try to solve with internals potentiometers, in order :
Increase P6, turn P2 et P5 for a value one third from P6, if no result turn also P3 to adjust the stability. Don't
increase a lot I and D value.
Potentiometers have a mark to be able to go back to initial setting.
9. In normal condition, the dancer arm is about stable around the working position and the sensor signal led must be
off or slightly red or green. If you want advise or commissioning, contact your Warner Electric technical support.
BTCS 2020
7 - 13