Sleep function
Skyhopper is equipped with a sleep function . If it does not receive a command from
the remote controller for 1 minute, it will beep once . One minute after it beeps, (that
is 2 minutes in total), the LED power indicator in Skyhopper will turn off .
To wake Skyhopper from sleep, turn it off and then on again .
Crash sensor
Skyhopper is equipped with a crash sensor that allows it to detect impact and make
it stop flapping its wings . After impact, Skyhopper will ignore commands from the
remote controller for about 2 seconds . After that time, you can continue to send
commands to Skyhopper from the remote controller .
r e p l a cin g t h e pr opeller s
You can replace the propeller on your Skyhopper if the original one becomes damaged .
A spare propeller is included in the Skyhopper package . To replace the damaged
propeller, do the following:
1 .
Make sure the remote controller and Skyhopper are turned OFF .
2 .
Using a pair of pliers, carefully grasp the damaged propeller and pull it off the
axle as indicated .
3 .
Carefully insert the new propeller into the axle, making sure it is secure .
Be careful not to damage the motor .
4 .
Test the propeller by turning it manually to make sure it does not touch
the propeller guard .