Sharpening the Knife
Fasten the knife as per position 4.
Use support 6 to adjust the angle of sheer.
Turn on the grinder activating the electric switch.
Start the sharpening as above.
The sharpening should be executed in such a
manner that all the knives have the same width to
avoid unbalancing the rotor.
The pendular movement of the knife against the
grinder should be executed in a manner so that
the knife does not become very hot in order not to
impair the structure of the material.
Re-assemble the knives in the machine taking
care to ensure that they are well housed in and
fastened to the equipment.
Fastening the handle in the mobile arm
Open the mobile arm (01) in the direction of the
operator, position the compression spring (02) in the
centralizing support of the spring, close the mobile
arm (01), position the plain washer (04) in the rod of
the handle (05) and then thread the handle (03) in it
with the aid of a wrench.
Fig. E
Fastening the stand
Take the stand (02) and fit it in the hole of the body (01),
position the bolt (03) on one side of the stand and on the
other position the washer (04), and finally the nut (05)
threading it simultaneously with the aid of a wrench.
Fig. F