Yarvik smartphone manual
Click on a running app in the multitask view to quickly switch to it. You can close running apps by long
pressing it and clicking "Remove from list".
Return to index
Adding widgets
shortcuts to
Home Screen
To add a widget, press the app and widget button in the bottom center of your Home Screen:
In the following screen, you can find all the installed apps and widgets, both seperately viewable by pressing
"Apps" or "Widgets" on top of the screen respectively.
Press "Widgets" to view all available widgets. When showing all widgets, you can swipe the screen to
browse to the next page (if available).
Press and hold the desired widget to have the Home Screen show up and release the widget to any empty
spot on the home screen.
To add a shortcut to any app, press the app and widget button in the bottom center of your Home Screen: