Using Your Senses:
While breastfeeding, most mothers have three or four milk releases without knowing it. To
get more milk with your pump, you need more milk releases. But, you may need some help
at first until your body learns to respond to your pump like a baby.
To trigger more milk releases, use your senses. One or two senses may work better than the
others, so try them all to find out which work best for you.
• Mind/Feelings: Close your eyes, relax, and imagine your baby breastfeeding. Think about
how much you love your baby.
• Sight: Look at your baby or your baby's photo.
• Hearing: Listen to a tape of your baby cooing or crying. If you're away, call and check
on your baby. Or, call someone you love to relax and distract you.
• Smell: Smell your baby's blanket or clothing.
• Touch: Apply a warm cloth or gently massage your breasts.
• Taste: Sip your favorite warm, non-alcoholic drink to relax you.
Using Pump Controls:
Check to see if your pump has both SUCTION/VACUUM and CYCLE controls. If so, use your
senses as you adjust the controls during pumping to get more milk faster. Watch your milk
flow as you pump. Use it as your guide.
1. Set SUCTION/VACUUM to the highest setting that feels good.
2. Set CYCLE on the fastest setting.
3. When milk flows, turn CYCLE down close to the slowest setting.
4. When the milk flow slows to a trickle, return to fast CYCLE and use your senses.
5. Repeat, using fast CYCLE to trigger milk releases and slow cycles to drain.
Pumping Length:
Talk to your healthcare provider about how long you should pump. In most cases,
10 to 15 minutes per breast is long enough.
• If single pumping, 20 to 30 minutes total.
• If dual pumping, 10 to 15 minutes total.
Removing the Ameda HygieniKit from Breast
After pumping:
• Turn off pump.
• Insert a finger into breast flange(s) to break suction.
• Remove Ameda kit from breast(s).
If milk drips too slowly into bottle:
• If pump has a CYCLE control, set pump to faster CYCLE setting.
• Replace silicone diaphragm(s) and valve(s).
If pumping causes discomfort:
• Set pump to lower SUCTION/VACUUM setting.
• Check pump fit. Larger flanges may be needed.