Do not test it with your own dogs and cats. They will
not perceive the stimulus sent by the DOG | CAT
REPELLER PRO as a threat, because they feel they are
at home. It will only cause unnecessary discomfort.
For dogs and cats who are used to remaining in
the place they are protecting, or who quickly pass
through the area, it might be necessary to use the
DOG | CAT REPELLER PRO for a longer period..
If with some dogs or cats the results are less effective,
it could be due to a hearing loss related to their age
or to a health condition, such as otitis.
Keep food of any kind out of the area you wish to
When the device is working you can hear an
intermittent chirping sound. People highly sensitive
to sounds would perceive a faint sound.
Keep obstacles away from the area between the
DOG | CAT REPELLER PRO and the area to be
protected. The ultrasound waves do not go through
solid materials, such as furniture, walls, glass, clothes,