One of the new Windows 7 features includes a feature called "Play To" and this lets your PC running Windows 7 control the
radio to push media and use as a universal remote control for your media collection. The radio supports the industry stan-
dard DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) 1.5 digital media renderer. This allows you to „Play To" other devices around your
home. Before you can use the "Play To" feature you need the set-up the radio for Windows 7 streaming media.
Windows Media Player makes it easy to manage your media, find items that you want to play, and open Play To.
To select items that you want to play, follow these steps:
• Open Windows Media Player. If the Player is open
and you're in Now Playing mode, click the Switch
to Library button in the upper-right corner.
• If the list pane is closed or if the Burn or Sync
tabs are exposed, click the Play tab.
• Find the items that you want to play in the Player
Library, and then drag those items From the
details pane into the list pane.
• Click the Play to button at the top of the list pane, click
the device on your network that receives the media.
• In the Play To dialog box, use playback controls to
play, pause, stop the stream or change to the next
or previous item in the list.