Ultra Enterprise 450
CPU Module Guide
Use this guide with your Ultra Enterprise 450 Server Owner's Guide to configure and
install your new UltraSPARC™ II 400-MHz CPU module. The information in this
guide is an addition to your Ultra Enterprise 450 Server Owner's Guide supplied with
your Ultra™ Enterprise™ 450 server.
Included in this guide are the following topics:
"Before You Begin" on page 1-1
"About UltraSPARC II CPU Modules" on page 1-3
"CPU Module Configuration Rules" on page 1-4
"Main Logic Board Jumpers" on page 1-5
"Installing a CPU Module" on page 1-6
Before You Begin
If you are installing an UltraSPARC II 400-MHz CPU module into your server, use
this guide for information in addition to the Ultra Enterprise 450 Server
Owner's Guide.
If your system already has 400-MHz modules installed, and you are adding modules
to the system, go to the section "Installing a CPU Module" on page 1-6.
If you purchased an upgrade to replace your UltraSPARC II 250- or 300-MHz CPU
module(s) with UltraSPARC II 400-MHz CPU module(s), you must verify that the
system board on your current server supports the faster module(s).