In this manual we talk about "line inputs". This is a global name for inputs with a level between 750mV and
2V. This includes tuners, videos, CD-players, etc.
There are many ways to connect audio equipment to this mixer. Just keep the following remarks in mind:
Always connect cinch cables in the same way:
white or black cinch connector left channel
red cinch connector right channel
Some inputs on the back panel have the possibility to receive a USB, phono or line input. Make sure to
assign the associated switch correctly:
When you connect a CD-player, Cassette deck, MD-player, tuner, video recorder etc. don't
forget to put the associated switch to "LINE".
When you connect a turntable don't forget to put the associated switch to "PHONO".
When you connect a PC don't forget to put the associated switch to "USB".
Many Turntables have a GND-connection. It is preferable to connect this signal ground to the MIX6 USB.
Use the GND-connections, close to the signal input connectors.
The record input of an analog recording device can be connected to the record output of the MIX6 USB to
make analog recordings.
1. 3-BAND TONE CONTROL : The frequency can be controlled. In the center position the tone control is
flat. (switched off)
2. MIC VOLUME: Used to adjust the level of the microphone.
3. MIC ON/OFF SWITCH: Used to switch the microphone on/off
4. PEAK LED: Facilitates proper setting of input gain levels. The LED lights up when the signal after the
Gain control (5) reaches 0dB. Warning: the LED should only light up from time to time. If it's on
continuously, you should turn down the gain level (5) to avoid distortion.
5. GAIN LEVEL: Adjusts the input level on each channel, range goes from zero to maximum. Use this
control to adjust the level at about 0dB (see PeakLED '4').
6. 3-BAND TONE CONTROL : The frequency can be controlled. In the center position the tone control is
flat. (switched off)
7. INPUT SOURCE SELECTOR: Used to select the correct input on each channel: phono, line or USB.
There are also additional input selectors on the back.
Hint: Line, Aux, CD, Tuner, etc... are different names for inputs with almost the same signal levels.
8. CHANNEL FADERS: Used to control the level of each channel. MIX6 USB uses high quality smooth
dual-rail 60mm DJ-faders for maximum reliability.
9. LED VU METER: Accurate level meter. Very important: If you want a nice and clean sound, please pay
attention the VU-meters. Most DJs use this important instrument as a "flashy light effect" . They try to
push the meter constantly to its maximum. Let's be clear: a good DJ wants a clean, undistorted sound.
Levels over 0dB mean "distortion" so please keep an eye on the meter!
10. AUX INPUT: can be used to connect an MP3 player, smartphone, etc. to channel 4