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XXL CX Serie Manual De Referencia Rápida página 3


CX multi-purpose speakers front panel controls allow you a quick and easy way to adjust the level and desired
preset. Of course, the most intuitive use is as monitors can be used as wedge monitors, even if these CX speakers
can be used also as side-fills, drum-fills, and FOH speakers! In this case all the models can be easily mounted on
35mm. (1.3/8") standard poles, please place the monitors carefully thus avoiding to fall. The best position for pole
mount speakers can be achieved thinking to "The Source", a line starting from coaxial driver center. "The Source"
should be in line with listeners ears, e.g. as side fills this line should be at 170cm (about 5.½ft), while as drum-fills
this line should be at 120cm (about 4 ft.).
Avoid exposing you to very high SPL, your ciliate cellules should be destroyed, and you should permanently damage
your hearing.
Los controles del tablero delantero de los monitores multiuso CX les permiten un rápido y fácil acceso para regular
el nivel y el preset deseado. Naturalmente, el uso más intuitivo y como bafle señal en el palco, también se puede
usar como side-fills, drum-fills, y como bafles de la instalación principal de audición. En este caso, todos los
modelos se pueden montar fácilmente en palos estándar de 35mm. (1.3/8"). Coloque los bafles con atención, para
evitar que se caigan. La mejor posición para el montaje de los bafles en el palo se puede obtener pensando en la
"Fuente", una línea que nace en el centro del driver coaxial. La "Fuente" debe alinearse con las orejas de oyentes,
por ejemplo como side-fills esta línea debería estar a 170cm (unos 5.½ pies), mientras como drum-fills esta línea
debería estar a 120cm (unos 4 pies).
Evite escuchar a elevados niveles de presión sonora (SPL); sus células ciliadas porque se pueden destruir o, ¡pueden
estropear permanentemente su oído!
Les commandes de face avant des enceintes polyvalentes CX vous offrent un moyen rapide et facile d'obtenir le
niveau et le préréglage (preset) désirés. Bien sûr, l'emploi le plus intuitif de ces moniteurs est comme retours de
scène, même si ces enceintes CX peuvent aussi servir comme renforts latéraux, renforts de batterie et enceintes de
façade ! Dans ce cas, tous les modèles peuvent aisément être montés sur des mâts standard de 35 mm. Veuillez
monter soigneusement les moniteurs pour éviter qu'ils ne tombent. La meilleure position pour des enceintes
montées sur mât s'obtient en pensant à "la source", une ligne passant par le centre du haut-parleur coaxial. "La
source" et les oreilles des auditeurs doivent être alignées, par exemple à 170 cm comme renfort latéral (side fill), ou
à 120 cm comme renfort de batterie (drum-fill).
Évitez de vous exposer à de très hauts niveaux de pression sonore (SPL), vos cellules sensorielles ciliées seraient
détruites et votre audition serait endommagée de façon permanente !
Mit den Reglern am vorderen Bedienfeld der vielseitig einsetzbaren CX können Sie einfach und schnell die Pegel und
das erwünschte Preset einstellen. Natürlich liegt es nahe, die CX als Bühnenmonitore zu verwenden, sie können aber
auch als Side-Fills, Drum-Fills und als Lautsprecherboxen in der Hauptbeschallungsanlage dienen! Für diesen Fall
können alle Modelle problemlos auf 35 mm (1.3/8"). -Standardstative montiert werden. Bitte bauen Sie die Monitore
mit Vorsicht auf, um ein Herabfallen zu vermeiden. Die beste Position für die Lautsprecher am Ständer findet man,
indem man an die „Quelle" denkt, eine Linie, die von der Mitte der Treiber-Membranen ausgeht. Die „Quelle" sollte
auf der durchschnittlichen Höhe der Ohren des Publikums liegen, für Side-Fills z.B. liegt diese Linie auf der Höhe
von 170 cm (circa 5.½ ft), für Drum-Fills bei 120 cm (circa 4 ft).
Vermeiden Sie das Zuhören bei zu hohem Schalldruckpegel, da Ihre Gehörzellen zerstört werden können und Ihr
Gehör permanent geschädigt werden kann!
I controlli del pannello anteriore dei monitor multi-uso CX vi consentono un rapido e facile accesso per regolare il
livello ed il preset desiderato. Naturalmente, l'uso più intuitivo è come casse spia su palco, anche se possono essere
usate anche come side-fills, drum-fills, e come casse dell'impianto principale di ascolto! In questo caso, tutti i
modelli possono essere facilmente montati su pali standard da 35mm. (1.3/8"). Collocate le casse con attenzione,
per evitare che cadano. La migliore posizione per il montaggio a palo delle casse può essere ottenuta pensando alla
"Sorgente", una linea che nasce dal centro del driver coassiale. La "Sorgente" deve essere allineata con le orecchie
degli ascoltatori, per esempio come side-fills questa linea dovrebbe essere a 170cm (circa 5.½ piedi), mentre come
drum-fills questa linea dovrebbe essere a 120cm (circa 4 piedi).
Evitate di ascoltare ad elevati livelli di pressione sonora (SPL); le vostre cellule ciliate potrebbero essere distrutte e
potreste danneggiare permanentemente il vostro udito!
1. Read, and keep this quick reference manual.
2. Follow all instructions, and heed all warnings.
3. Do not use this unit near water.
4. Clean only with dry cloth.
5. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
6. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms, or when unused for long periods of time.
7. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
8. Protect the power cord from being walked on, or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the unit.
9. Only manufacturer specified attachments/accessories should be used.
10. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third
grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug doesn't fit into your a.c. mains outlet, consult an electrician for obsolete outlet replacement.
11. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the unit. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid
injury from tip-over.
12. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel only. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been
spilled or objects have fallen into the unit, the unit has been exposed to rain or moisture, the unit does not operate normally, or the unit has been dropped.
13. Exposure to extremely high noise levels may cause permanent hearing loss. Individuals vary considerably in susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, but nearly everyone will lose some
hearing if exposed to sufficiently intense noise for a period of time. To ensure against potentially dangerous exposure to high sound pressure levels, it is recommended that all persons exposed to
equipment capable of producing high sound pressure levels use hearing protectors while the equipment is in operation. Ear plugs or protectors in the ear canals or over the ears must be worn when
operating the equipment in order to prevent permanent hearing loss.
Important Safety Instructions



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