evenly maintains the Enno Moist Pack temperature in the water and provides a ready supply of heated packs . It is
critical to maintain the water level over the top of the Enno Moist Pack to avoid damage to the heating element, the
stainless steel, or the Enno Moist Pack . Water is constantly lost during operation due to evaporation . Therefore, it is
essential that water be added daily . The tank should also be drained and cleaned systematically, at a minimum every
two (2) weeks .
Always unplug the unit from its electrical service when emptying or cleaning the unit . Drain unit by the drain valve
located at the bottom rear of the unit . Either move the unit to a floor drain or attach the extension hose to it when
draining .
Your Packheater is made of high quality stainless steel that should last a lifetime . That is Stainless, not Stainproof steel .
You must properly care for your Packheater if you wish for it to last a lifetime . And it will .
Follow these simple steps to ensure that your Packheater lasts and lasts.
1 . Chlorine means death to stainless steel . No bleach or any cleaner with high chlorine content .
2 . Clean it regularly if you want it to last for years . NOTE: Failure to maintain your equipment (including regular
cleaning) will void your warranty .
3 . Fill it daily with water . Water is constantly lost during operation due to evaporation .
4 . Chlorine in regular tap water may be present in high enough concentrations to damage your unit by causing rust .
If you suspect high levels of chlorine in your Packheater, we recommend the addition of a dechlorinator .
5 . Certain additives (such as herbal teas, essential oils, etc .) will damage the components of the Packheater, including
the stainless steel . The Packheater was designed to heat water and Enno Moist Packs only .
To avoid potential for rusting
1 . Do not use bleach or cleaners with high chloride content .
2 . Do not use paper clips, safety pins, staples, coat hangers, etc ., in or on the unit .
3 . Do not clean the unit with steel wool or a carbon steel brush .
4 . Do not use abrasive cleaners which tend to disturb the grain in the finish .
5 . Water level is critical: Add water daily and keep it full .
6 . Do regular cleaning and draining of the tank (every two weeks) .
7 . Remove all deposits from interior surfaces and parts (including heating element) . The deposits are concentrations
of chlorine that allow rusting to begin . If allowed to accumulate on the heating element, these deposits will lower
the efficiency of the element and increase the power consumption of the unit .
8 . If you suspect that you have "hard water," you may need to change your water more frequently . Salt deposits are
an indication of hard water that will eventually cause rust .
Cleaning Tips
1 . The interior of the unit should be scoured, usually every two weeks, using a low abrasive bathroom cleaner . Check
for low or no chlorine content in your cleaner and make sure that the residue is thoroughly rinsed away with water .
2 . A strong solution of vinegar and water will usually dissolve away deposits, which then must be thoroughly rinsed
away with water .
3 . To maintain the high luster of the stainless steel exterior, use Packheater Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish .
Care of Enno Moist Packs
ALWAYS return the Enno Moist Pack to the hot water of the Packheater after each treatment . There it is heated, kept
clean and ready for immediate use . The Enno Moist Pack may be boiled . However, this hastens the deterioration of
the pack . The pack may also be cleaned by scrubbing the pack with soap and water . The simplified method of keeping
the pack clean is to keep it immersed in water .
When the pack begins to wear out, the filler oozes and leaks through the fabric of the cloth and sections of the pack
appear to be loose and empty and will not retain heat properly . The pack should be replaced when it reaches this state .
Original replacement Enno Moist Packs may be ordered from an authorized Enraf-Nonius B .V . dealer .
NOTE: If Enno Moist Packs are to be stored for extended periods, they may be placed - while wet - in plastic bags and
stored in a freezer .