Certification and marking
CE Certification
The full face masks BRK 820 have the CE marking indicating its conformity to the es-
sential requirements of PPE Regulation 2016/425/EU (Personal Protective Equipment)
and to technical standard EN 136:1998, followed by the number of the Notified Body
responsible for the type-examination (Module B) and which carries out the control proce-
dure based on quality assurance of the production process (Module D - N° 0426 Italcert
S.r.l., V.le Sarca, 336, 20126 Milano - Italia).
The CE marking, positioned on the facepiece seal, is made up of the following elements:
Designation for the BRK 820 group, the inclusion of „S" means that the mask is
moulded in silicone
CE 0426: marking indicating the conformity to the basic health and safety require-
ments, among others to Regulation (EU) 2016/425, particularly for the prerequisites-
related to ergonomics, safety and comfort. The number 0426 indicates the Notified
Body Italcert S.r.l, Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milan, Italy, which is the organisation
responsible for controlling the production according to Module D of Regulation (EU)
EN 136:98 CL3: reference standard and mask class
Distributor marking
silicone masks) stands for Spasciani S.p.A. Via Saronnino, 72 – 21040 Origgio (Va),
Declaration of conformity
The declarations of conformity of the in this manual mentioned products are to find
under the following link: https://bartels-rieger.de/konformitaetserklaerungen-filter
and manufacturer
name: (on EDPM masks) or RS (on