12. Periodical Maintenance Checks
Perform periodical maintenance checks every three months, referring to the check sheet below. If any abnormalities are found, contact your Authorized
NSK Dealer.
Points to check
Head cap is loose
Coolant Water
13. Symbol
This product is Autoclavable up to Max.135ºC.
This product can be washed via Thermo Disinfector.
Conforms to CE European Directive of "Medical device directive 93/42/EEC".
Authorized representative in the European community.
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed physician.
Tighten firmly using the correct head cap wrench.
Rotate the handpiece and check for abnormalities such as abnormal rotation, vibration, noise, and overheating.
Operate the handpiece and check that the coolant water is flowing through all spray ports.