d. Please install Microsoft DirectX 9.0 and Media Player 7.0 or higher version.
7. Video is playing but Audio is failed
a. Please check the sound card or the volume setting.
8. Failed to play program
a. Make sure you have installed Sound Card Driver and the Sound Card is working.
b. Please note that no matter if you want to listen to the audio or not, the sound card and its
driver must be installed. Please check the signal quantity and strength.
9. When play program, audio is ok, but screen is blank. Why?
a. Please make sure your VGA driver and Microsoft DirectX 9.0 were installed correctly.
10. D T V Mp e g 2 v i d e o p l a y b a c k o n N o t e b o o k P C ' s i s n o t s mo o t h
a. MPEG2 video playback consumes lots of CPU power. To get better performance, please
ma k e s u r e " P o w e r -s a v i n g " mo d e o f t h e N o t e b o o k P C i s d i s a b l e d a n d t h e C P U s h o u l d r u n a t i t s
maximum frequency.
11. The Remote controller does not work. DTV USB Receiver does not react to the key
a. Yakumo QuickStick Basic DVB-T window must b e t h e " f o c u s " w i n d o w t o r e c e i v e t h e r e mo t e
controller input. You might click on the caption of Yakumo QuickStick Basic DVB-T window,
and then try again.
1. Terrestrial digital wireless broadcast signal may be affected by topography, objects, and weather.
This would cause a poor signal quality. Therefore, we strongly suggest you to use a rooftop
antenna when received indoors.
2. This product is moveable but not be suitable of using in a high speed moving environment.
Please check other associated products for these requirements.
3. When you use the function of pre-recording, real time recording, or time shifting, please make
sure you have enough hard disk space to save huge recording data.
4. In order to operate properly, please follow the user manual and suggestive setup. Improper
operations may cause the system unstable or crash. Before you remove hard disk devices,
please check other related application has been closed.
We reserves the right to add or delete the application and its functions; all new release drivers and
application will be mentioned in our website. We are not responsible for further notice.