Be sure this iNFormatioN reaches the operator. You caN get extra copies through Your supplier. cautioN these iNstructioNs are for experienced operators. if you are not fully familiar with the principles of operation and safe practices for arc welding and cutting equipment, we urge you to read our booklet, “precautions and safe practices for arc Welding, cutting, and gouging,”...
sectioN 1 saFetY precautioNs safety precautions safety - english WarNiNg: These Safety Precautions are Fires aND explosioNs -- heat from for your protection. They summarize pre- flames and arcs can start fires. hot cautionary information from the references slag or sparks can also cause fires and listed in Additional Safety Information sec- explosions.
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sectioN 1 saFetY precautioNs 1. Be sure the power source frame (chassis) is con- . Welders should use the following procedures to nected to the ground system of the input power. minimize exposure to EMF: . Connect the workpiece to a good electrical A.
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sectioN 1 saFetY precautioNs 5. WarNiNg: this product, when used for welding 1. Always have qualified personnel perform the instal- or cutting, produces fumes or gases lation, troubleshooting, and maintenance work. which contain chemicals known to Do not perform any electrical work unless you are the state of california to cause birth qualified to perform such work.
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sectioN 1 saFetY precautioNs 5. AWS C5.5 - "Recommended Practices for Gas Tung- sten Arc Welding“ 6. AWS C5.6 - "Recommended Practices for Gas Metal Arc Welding"“ 7. AWS SP - "Safe Practices" - Reprint, Welding Hand- book. 8. ANSI/AWS F4.1, "Recommended Safe Practices for Welding and Cutting of Containers That Have Held Hazardous Substances."...
sectioN 1 seguriDaD safety - spanish La escoria puede estar caliente y desprenderse con velocidad. Personas cercanas deberán usar gafas aDVerteNcia: Estas Precauciones de Se- de seguridad y careta protectora. guridad son para su protección. Ellas hacen resumen de información proveniente de las Fuego Y explosioNes -- el calor de referencias listadas en la sección "Información Adi- las flamas y el arco pueden ocacionar...
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sectioN 1 seguriDaD 1. Asegúrese de que el chasis de la fuente de poder . Los soldadores deberán usar los siguientes proced- esté conectado a tierra através del sistema de imientos para minimizar exponerse al EMF: electricidad primario. . Conecte la pieza de trabajo a un buen sistema de A.
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sectioN 1 seguriDaD 5. aDVerteNcia-- este producto cuando se uti- 1. Siempre tenga personal cualificado para efec- liza para soldaduras o cortes, tuar l a instalación, diagnóstico, y mantenimiento produce humos o gases, los del equipo. No ejecute ningún trabajo eléctrico a cuales contienen químicos menos que usted esté...
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sectioN 1 seguriDaD sigNiFicaDo De los simBolos -- según usted avanza en la lectura de este folleto: los símbolos sig- nifican ¡atención! ¡esté alerta! se trata de su seguridad. significa riesgo inmediato que, de no ser evadido, puede resultar inmediatamente en serio daño personal o la muerte.
sectioN 1 sÉcuritÉ safety - French iNceNDies et explosioNs -- la chaleur provenant des flammes ou de aVertissemeNt : Ces règles de sécurité l'arc peut provoquer un incendie. le ont pour but d'assurer votre protection. Ils laitier incandescent ou les étincelles récapitulent les informations de précaution provenant des références dans la section peuvent également provoquer un...
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sectioN 1 sÉcuritÉ 1. Assurez-vous que le châssis de la source . Les soudeurs doivent suivre les procédures suivantes d'alimentation est branché au système de mise à pour minimiser l'exposition aux champs électriques la terre de l'alimentation d'entrée. et magnétiques : .
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sectioN 1 sÉcuritÉ 5. aVertissemeNt : ce produit, lorsqu'il est utilisé eNtretieN De l'ÉQuipemeNt -- un équipe- dans une opération de soudage ou de ment entretenu de façon défectueuse ou coupage, dégage des vapeurs ou des inadéquate peut causer des blessures gaz contenant des chimiques consi- graves ou mortelles.
sectioN 1 sÉcuritÉ sigNiFicatioN Des sYmBoles ce symbole, utilisé partout dans ce manuel, signifie "attention" ! soyez vigilant ! Votre sécurité est en jeu. DaNger signifie un danger immédiat. la situation peut entraîner des blessures graves ou mortelles. aVertissemeNt signifie un danger potentiel qui peut entraîner des blessures graves ou mortelles.
(70 mm) 7" (178 mm) Figure 2-1. Dimensional Data for the pt-31xl and pt-31xlpc torches electric shocK caN Kill.plasma cuttiNg uses high Voltage. sKiN coNtact With the torch, the poWer source, the WorK- piece or aNY grouNDeD oBJect must Be aVoiDeD WheNeVer the poWer source is oN.
The high performance kit (0558006146) is the preferred kit and is included with the above referenced plasma cutting systems. prest-o-lite 250 15/0A Standard Spare Parts Kit ............................... 0558006145 table 2-1 contents of spare parts Kits: * pt-31xl and pt-31xlpc spare parts Kits p/Ns p/N 0558006147 p/N 0558006141 p/N 0558006145 Description...
Voltage iF the torch sWitch is acciDeNtallY closeD WheN the shielD is remoVeD. alWaYs replace torch With the proper torch maNuFactureD BY prest-o-lite siNce it aloNe coNtaiNs prest-o-lite's pateNteD saFetY iNterlocK. The gas flow check valve is part of the safety interlock and is permanently assembled in the torch head.
sectioN 3 iNstallatioN / operatioN Disassembly of torch - removing consumables To disassemble the front end, hold the torch with the shield in an upright position as shown in Figure -. This will prevent the nozzle, electrode, and swirl baffle from falling free when the shield is re- moved.
sectioN 4 maiNteNaNce maintenance BeFore aNY maiNteNaNce is attempteD oN this torch, maKe WarNiNg sure the poWer sWitch oN the coNsole is iN the "oFF" posi- tioN aND the primarY iNput is DeeNergiZeD. Be sure to tighteN poWer caBle coNNectioNs securelY us- iNg 2 WreNches DuriNg reassemBlY.
sectioN 4 maiNteNaNce CRIMP OR SOLDER WHITE LEADS SWITCH END PLUG COVER sWitch Kit p/N 0558005509 Figure 4-2. switch Disassembly To replace - Remove switch band from torch (see figure 4-1). Pull the switch and end plug out of the cover. Snip the white leads from the switch (leads supplied with the torch cable bundle are sufficiently long to allow cutting).
To ensure proper operation, it is recommended that only genuine Prest-O-Lite parts and products be used with this equipment. The use of non Prest-O-Lite parts may void your warranty. Replacement parts may be ordered from your Prest-O-Lite Distributor.
reVisioN historY Original release 06 / 006 0 / 007 - Revised Title Page layout / text.
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Welding & cutting products, po Box 100545, Florence, sc commuNicatioN guiDe - customer serVices CUSTOMER SERVICE QUESTIONS: Telephone: (800)6-7080 / Fax: (800) 64-7548 Hours: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST Order Entry Product Availability Pricing Order Information Returns ENGINEERING SERVICE:...