Light is not activated by SMS or phone call:
Check that the batteries are inserted properly and that
they do not need to be changed.
Check that the phone is on the longest and strongest
vibrating mode.
For Android phones - try downloading "Vibrate Tools" app
from Google Play, to change your vibration settings to
stronger and longer vibration.
The mobile phone needs to be centered on the cradle, as
close to the back of the LightOn cradle as possible, in order
to achieve maximum contact between the phone and the
cradle sensor.
Light flashes even though no incoming call:
Cradle placed on uneven or vibrating surface (e.g. next to
Cradle is placed very close to strong RF system.
Push the Reset button and place the Mobile phone again.
Mobile phone was not placed gently in cradle – simply press
the Reset button.
Red LED is constantly flashing:
Replace batteries.
LightOn dosn't trigger the external wireless alerting system:
Make sure that the cable and/or connector are properly
inserted on both sides.
If the problem remains, please contact your reseller.