User Preference Settings
Use the following sequence of
commands to select the
appropriate Language, Time Zone,
Distance Units and Voice Guidance
1. Language: Main Menu > Setup
> User Preferences >
Language Settings > (select
2. Set Time: Main Menu > Setup >
User Preferences > Set Time >
(use keypad to enter time) > P
3. Distance Units: Main Menu > Setup > User Preferences > Distance Units Setup >
(select unit of measurement)
4. Voice Guidance: Main Menu > Setup > User Preferences > Voice Guidance >
(select voice)
NOTE: Your clock time must begin with 1, 2 or 0. For example, enter "0835" for
8:35 and then press AM or PM, or press 24 for 24-hour clock display (military
time). If you press 24 after entering "08:35", the time will automatically be set for
AM, since "08:35 PM would be "20:35" in 24-hour display mode.
Change Default Location
By default, the system location is Alabama. Use the following sequence of commands
to change the default location: Main Menu > Setup > Location Reset.
NOTE: The correct location is necessary for accurate results when using
Simulation mode.