A. Mobile phones, tablets and recharge-
able batteries: A small USB convert-
er must be connected to the device 12V
outlet. Lanyard Basic will charge with
no problems from small mobile phones
to rechargeable batteries and small tab-
lets. Lanyard+ can charge several devic-
es simultaneously, as well as big tablets.
(Maybe a conventional USB hub will be
necessary). The kind of charge is identi-
cal to the one taken from a usual domes-
tic electric socket.
B. Lighting: The LED-"Water" light bulbs
designed by PowerSpot light up with a
very low voltage, adapted to Lanyard
Basic. If you use one (or two), each will
shine with the same intensity than an in-
candescent 80W light bulb, and can be
connected in parallel, at any distance and
up to ten light bulbs (10 Lanyard, 20 Lan-
yard+). This allows lighting up simultane-
ously several rooms in the same house
(the more light bulbs are added, the
lower they will shine), or taking light –
through a very simple wiring – to further
points at the same time and with mini-
mum consumption. If you wish to pro-
duce light with Lanyard Basic it will be
necessary to use low voltage light bulbs
designed by PowerSpot. If you are us-
ing Lanyard+ you can use either Pow-
erSpot "Air" or any commercial 12V LED
light bulbs.
C. Electrical Appliances: Today there are
multiple electrical appliances that work
through a USB connection to the com-
puter. Any of those appliances will work
perfectly if connected to the Lanyard+.
Also, small 12V devices can also be fed as
long as their required power does not ex-
ceed a peak power of 20W. For example,
small radios or portable televisions. For
this, we will use the 12V socket. However,
given the huge range of products existing
in the market, PowerSpot does not guar-
antee its performance and suggest testing
them before their purchase.