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Series 2DA, 3DA, 4DA and MDT–EU Hammers are designed for trimming castings, billets, bars
and plates in foundry applications, for removing weld bead and trimming plates in shipyards
and car shops and for concrete roughing and demolition.
Ingersoll–Rand is not responsible for customer modification of tools for applications on which
Ingersoll–Rand was not consulted.
Always operate, inspect and maintain this tool in
accordance with American National Standards
Institute Safety Code for Portable Air Tools
(ANSI B186.1).
For safety, top performance, and maximum durability
of parts, operate this tool at 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa)
maximum air pressure at the inlet with 1/2" (13 mm)
inside diameter air supply hose.
Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air
supply hose before installing, removing or adjusting
any accessory on this tool, or before performing any
maintenance on this tool.
Do not use damaged, frayed or deteriorated air hoses
and fittings.
Be sure all hoses and fittings are the correct size and
are tightly secured. See Dwg. TPD905–1 for a typical
piping arrangement.
Always use clean, dry air at 90 psig maximum air
pressure. Dust, corrosive fumes and/or excessive
moisture can ruin the motor of an air tool.
Do not lubricate tools with flammable or volatile
liquids such as kerosene, diesel or jet fuel.
Do not remove any labels. Replace any damaged label.
Always wear eye protection when operating or
performing maintenance on this tool.
The use of other than genuine Ingersoll–Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased tool performance, and
increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties.
Repairs should be made only by authorized trained personnel. Consult your nearest Ingersoll–Rand Authorized Servicenter.
Refer All Communications to the Nearest
Ingersoll–Rand Office or Distributor.
 Ingersoll–Rand Company 2000
Printed in U.S.A.
Always wear hearing protection when operating this
Keep hands, loose clothing and long hair away from
impacting end of tool.
Anticipate and be alert for sudden changes in motion
during start up and operation of any power tool.
Keep body stance balanced and firm. Do not
overreach when operating this tool. High reaction
torques can occur at or below the recommended air
Tool accessory may continue to impact briefly after
throttle is released.
Air powered tools can vibrate in use. Vibration,
repetitive motions or uncomfortable positions may be
harmful to your hands and arms. Stop using any tool
if discomfort, tingling feeling or pain occurs. Seek
medical advice before resuming use.
Use accessories recommended by Ingersoll–Rand.
Never operate a Percussion Tool unless an accessory is
properly installed and the tool is held firmly against
the work.
Always use a retainer in addition to proper barriers to
protect persons in surrounding or lower areas from
possible ejected accessories.
This tool is not designed for working in explosive
This tool is not insulated against electric shock.
Form P7277
Edition 6
July, 2000


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Ingersoll Rand 2DA Serie

  • Página 1 03541950 Form P7277 Edition 6 July, 2000 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR SERIES 2DA, 3DA, 4DA AND MDT–EU HAMMERS Series 2DA, 3DA, 4DA and MDT–EU Hammers are designed for trimming castings, billets, bars and plates in foundry applications, for removing weld bead and trimming plates in shipyards and car shops and for concrete roughing and demolition.
  • Página 2 WARNING LABEL IDENTIFICATION FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN INJURY. WARNING WARNING WARNING Always turn off the air sup- Always wear eye protection Always wear hearing ply and disconnect the air when operating or perform- protection when operating supply hose before instal- ing maintenance on this this tool.
  • Página 3: Placing Tool In Service

    ADJUSTMENTS Accessory Installation For Rubber Buffered Type Retainer No. HHW1–300 (for use with threaded barrel) Grasp the Retainer (28) and unscrew it from the Barrel (17) against the pressure of the Retainer Lock Spring (27). Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air Remove the buffer and the chisel from the rear of the Retainer.
  • Página 4 PLACING TOOL IN SERVICE HOW TO ORDER A HAMMER Piston Stroke Model Handle Nozzle Retainer Blows/min. 2DA1SA Grip with Outside .580” Plain 2,200 Trigger (hex) 2DA2SA Grip with Outside .680” Plain 2,200 Trigger (round) 3DA1SA Grip with Outside .580” Plain 1,900 Trigger (hex)
  • Página 5 MANUEL D’EXPLOITATION ET D’ENTRETIEN DES MARTEAUX DES SERIES 2DA, 3DA, 4DA ET MDT–EU NOTE Les marteaux des séries 2DA, 3DA, 4DA et MDT–EU sont destinés à l’ébarbage des pièces coulées, des billettes, des barres et des plaques de fonderie, à l’enlèvement des cordons de soudure et à l’ébavurage des tôles dans les chantiers navals et les ateliers automobiles, et au piquage et à...
  • Página 6 SIGNIFICATION DES ETIQUETTES D’AVERTISSEMENT ATTENTION LE NON RESPECT DES AVERTISSEMENTS SUIVANTS PEUT CAUSER DES BLESSURES ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION Couper toujours l’alimentation Porter toujours une Porter toujours des lunettes d’air comprimé et débrancher le protection acoustique de protection pendant flexible d’alimentation avant pendant l’utilisation de cet l’utilisation et l’entretien de d’installer, déposer ou ajuster...
  • Página 7: Mise En Service De L'outil

    RÉGLAGES Montage des accessoires Pour retenue filetée No. HHW1–300 Saisir la douille de retenue (28) et la dévisser du cylindre (17) ATTENTION contre la pression du ressort de verrouillage de la douille (27). Déposer l’amortisseur et le fleuret de l’arrière de la douille de Couper toujours l’alimentation d’air comprimé...
  • Página 8 MISE EN SERVICE DE L’OUTIL Avant de remettre un marteau en magasin, ou si le marteau n’est pas utilisé pendant plus de vingt–quatre heures, verser environ 3 cm d’huile Ingersoll-Rand N dans le raccord d’admission et actionner l’outil pendant 5 secondes de manière à...
  • Página 9 MANUAL DE FUNCIONAMIENTO Y MANTENIMIENTO MARTILLOS DE LAS SERIES 2DA, 3DA, 4DA Y MDT–EU NOTA Los martillos de las series 2DA, 3DA, 4DA y MDT–EU están diseñados para el recorte de piezas fundidas, tochos, barras y placas en aplicaciones de fundición, para quitar los cordones de soldadura y recortar planchas en astilleros y talleres de automóviles, así...
  • Página 10: Etiquetas De Advertencia

    ETIQUETAS DE ADVERTENCIA AVISO EL HACER CASO OMISO DE LAS ADVERTENCIAS SIGUIENTES PODRIA OCASIONAR LESIONES. ADVERTENCIA ADVERTENCIA ADVERTENCIA Cortar siempre el suministro Usar siempre protección ocular Usar siempre protección de aire y desconectar la man- al manejar o realizar opera- para los oìdos al manejar guera de suministro de aire ciones de mantenimiento en...
  • Página 11: Para Poner La Herramienta En Servicio

    AJUSTES Instalación Accesoria Para retenedor roscado nº HHW1–300 Sujete el retenedor (28) y desenrósquelo del cilindro (17) AVISO contra la presión del muelle de seguridad del retenedor (27). Saque el amortiguador y el cincel de la parte posterior del Cortar siempre el suministro de aire y desconectar la retenedor.
  • Página 12: Especificaciones

    PARA PONER LA HERRAMIENTA EN SERVICIO Antes de almacenar el Martillo o si el Martillo se va a mantener sin usar por un período que exceda 24 horas, póngale 3 cc de Aceite Ingersoll–Rand No.10 en la admisión de aire y ponga la herramienta en marcha por 5 segundos para cubrir de aceite las piezas internas.
  • Página 13 MANUAL DE FUNCIONAMETO E MANUTENÇÃO MARTELOS DAS SÉRIES 2DA, 3DA, 4DA E MDT–EU AVISO Os Martelos das Séries 2DA, 3DA, 4DA e MDT–EU são concebidos para aparar peças fundidas, lingotes, barras e placas em aplicações de fundição, para remover filetes de solda e aparar placas em estaleiros e oficinas de automóveis e para desbastar e demolir betão.
  • Página 14 IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO RÓTULO DE ADVERTÊNCIA ADVERTÊNCIA O NÃO CUMPRIMENTO DAS SEGUINTES ADVERTÊNCIAS PODE RESULTAR EM FERIMENTO. ADVERTÊNCIA ADVERTÊNCIA ADVERTÊNCIA Desligue sempre a alimentação de Use sempre óculos de pro- Use sempre protecção contra ar e desconecte a mangueira de tecção quando estiver ope– alimentação de ar antes de insta- o ruído ao operar esta ferra- rando ou executando algum...
  • Página 15 AJUSTES Instalação de Acessórios Remova o amortecedor e o formão da parte posterior do retentor. O amortecedor divide–se para permitir a utilização ADVERTÊNCIA de um formão largo. Para instalar um formão largo, passe a haste do formão através Desligue sempre a alimentação de ar e a mangueira de do orifício do retentor e, abrindo a ranhura do amortecedor, alimentação de ar antes de instalar, retirar ou ajustar encaixe–o em torno do formão, certificando–se de que o...
  • Página 16: Especificações

    COLOCAÇÃO DA FERRAMENTA EM SERVIÇO Antes de guardar o Martelo ou se este for ficar parado por mais de vinte–e–quatro horas, ponha cerca de 3 cc de Óleo Ingersoll–Rand Nº 10 na admissão de ar e opere a ferramenta por 5 segundos para revestir as partes internas com óleo.
  • Página 17 SERIES 2D, 3D, 4D AND MDT3–EU HAMMERS (Dwg. TPC655–2)
  • Página 18 SERIES 2D, 3D, 4D AND MDT3–EU HAMMERS PART NUMBER FOR ORDERING PART NUMBER FOR ORDERING Grip Handle Assembly Collar ........3DA–A43 for 2DA, 3DA, 4DA .
  • Página 19: Maintenance Section

    MAINTENANCE SECTION MAINTENANCE TOOLS TOOL NUMBER TOOL NAME OPERATION FOR ORDERING FOR ORDERING H02–119 Nozzle Ejection Arbor Remove Nozzle (21) from the Barrel (17). distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members and housings. 3. Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a Always wear eye protection when operating or subassembly unless the removal of that part is performing maintenance on this tool.
  • Página 20: General Instructions

    MAINTENANCE SECTION Disassembly of the Collar Reposition the Barrel in the vise so that it is clamped vertically collar to the top. Lubricate the surface 1. Grip the Barrel in a vise equipped with soft jaws so lightly with Ingersoll–Rand No. 10 Oil and insert that the barrel is horizontal.
  • Página 21 MAINTENANCE SECTION Refitting of the Collar Installation of Oversize Piston 1. To refit the Collar (19) to the Barrel (17), slide the Collar along the Barrel and line up slot on Barrel with protrusion inside of collar. Do not install an oversize Piston without first lapping 2.
  • Página 22: Troubleshooting Guide

    MAINTENANCE SECTION TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Trouble Probable Cause Solution Sluggish operation Dirt or oil gum accumulation on Pour about 3 cc of a clean, suitable, cleaning internal parts solution into the air inlet and operate for 30 seconds. After flushing, pour about 3 cc of oil into the air inlet and operate the tool for 5 seconds to coat the internal parts with oil.

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