Relays programming
In the submenu:
Relay 1 mode
Relay 2 mode
Activation modes of relay, once received activation order
The different values are:
• Normal mode (door opener)
The relay closes when remote order is received. It is the regular functioning mode.
• Alarm NA mode
The relay closes for programmed time, when a key or button is pressed.
• Alarm NC mode
The relay opens for programmed time, when a key or button is pressed.
Last two modes are complementary and they are useful for activate an alarm and/or
camera, when iP Access starts to be operated for the visitor (if it is 1 button call,
the alarm is simultaneous with the call, if is telephone keypad, when the visitor
begins dialing)
you can see the following elements to program:
Página 35 de 39
Manual de Portero IP v 9.0
SURiX IP Access
Versión de software (desde) 3.20