Using the water dispenser.
Control Panel Buttons
Power ON/OFF Button
operation ON or OFF. The button must be on to see
the entire display. Never start the unit without a bottle
containing water installed.
SET Button
. Advances the control panel display
through the features that are adjustable. When in the
SET mode, "SET" is displayed on the display panel. The
control panel will automatically return to the operating
mode if no other button is pushed within 1 minute,
accepting any new adjustments.
Feature Adjustment and Control Panel Lock Buttons. The
buttons are used individually to adjust the feature values
when the control is in the SET mode. The buttons can be
pressed and held for fast scrolling. A Control Panel Lock
can be engaged and disengaged by pressing both the
buttons at the same time. When the control
panel is locked, no changes can be made to the control;
however, water dispensing is not affected.
Control Panel Display
Temperature Setting Display. The hot and cold water
temperature settings can be selected to display in either
degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Clock and Timer Display. The clock and day of the week
are displayed normally. When the timer function has
been selected, the clock display is converted to a
countdown timer.
Timer Icon
. The timer icon is lit when the timer
function has been selected. The icon displays motion
when the timer countdown is active.
Energy Saver—Dispenser Operation Start Time Icon
The light blue start time icon will be lit in the SET mode,
indicating the programmed time when the dispenser
is to begin full hot water operation.
Energy Saver—Dispenser Operation Stop Time Icon
red stop time icon will be lit in the SET mode, indicating
the programmed time when the dispenser hot water
operation will be shut off.
. Turns the cooling and heating
Timer Controls. The TIMER/START button (4)
initiates the display of the countdown timer and
starts the timer. The STOP/CANCEL button (5) stops
the timer function and cancels the timer display.
The hourglass timer icon
timer feature is selected and active.
Energy Saver ON/OFF Button
set for the Energy Saver feature to operate properly. This
button turns on and off the programmed Energy Saver
cycle that controls the heater operation to save energy
during low usage periods of the day and week. The
default setting is set at the factory for optimal energy
performance—hot water operation is set to start at 6:00
am and stop at 8:00 pm. Turning the feature off returns
the dispenser to normal operation and allows the
dispenser to continuously produce hot and cold water
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Faucet Light ON/OFF Button
or off.
Energy Saver Icon
lit when the programmed operation cycle has been
activated. In this mode, the icon will display motion
of the arrows indicating hot water operation has been
shut off to save energy.
Control Panel Lock Icon
will be lit when the lock feature has been engaged.
Hot Water Operation Icon
when the hot water system is activated. The steam
elements will move while the heater is operating and all
three elements will remain lit when the set temperature
has been attained.
Cooling System Operation Icon
displayed when the cooling system is activated. The
snowflake elements will be in motion when the cooling
. The
system is operating and all 6 elements will remain lit
when the set temperature is attained. (The snowflake and
the 40F (4C) icons will not be lit during periods of the
Energy Saver cycle even though the cooling system is
running to maintain the compartment temperature.)
is displayed while the
. Note: The clock must be
. Turns the faucet light on
. The energy saver icon will be solidly
. The control panel lock icon
. The cup will be displayed
. The snowflake will be