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DIGI - OperatIOn manual
f) Scopteck Image Advanced
you only have to copy this folder on your Desktop and run the software.This software is easy to use
and useful for capturing images and video clips, capturing images step by step, making calibration
and several measures over your images.
g) Freeware
Run freeInstaller.exe and choose the software you want to install, a simple list of the caracteristics
of these software is shown when the installer runs, anyway a list of them can be easily read in the
file Freeware.doc.
1.6 At the end of the installation process restart the PC if requested.
1.7 Now you can set your camera as the four manuals show, you can find them in the CD : \ Ma-
nuals \ how set the Camera \
These is useful to set-up your camera for getting the best images from your speciments.
1.8 When you Plug-in the Camera in your PC, the camera will be identified automatically by Win-
sOme nOtes
You should know that your Windows PC needs to install a Driver before to capture images from the
Camera, when the CD installs the Driver it won't be ready to be used at once, in fact Windows need
to recognize the camera before, and then it will finally put the Driver in the right \driver-folder\.
Note that in any PC there are couples of USB ports, should you connect only the Camera in a couple
of port is better because you'll have a faster comunication.
Often PC have some port on the front and some on the back, well, the port on the back are usually
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