5.3. Two-in-one pipettors
The Biohit Proline fixed volume pipettors 5 and 10 µl, and variable
volume pipettors 0.5-10 µl can be used with both 10 µl and 300 µl tips.
The pipettors are supplied with two ejector collars and are factory fitted
with the ejector suitable for 10 µl tips. When using 300 µl tips, please
change the ejector collar by following the instructions below (Fig 7):
1. Push the tip ejector down (1.).
2. Push the opening tool pin between
the ejector bar and ejector collar to
release the locking mechanism (2.).
3. Pull the ejector collar off (3.).
4. Install the 300 µl collar by pushing
the collar locking pin into the
ejector bar hole, keeping the tip
ejector pushed down.
5. Release the tip ejector and test
that it runs smoothly.
5.4. Protective filters
The new tip cones of Biohit Proline
pipettors (>10 µl) allow the use of a
changeable filter as an option. The filter
prevents liquids and aerosols from
entering the pipettor. Two types of
filters are available: a Safe-Cone Filter
Standard and a Safe-Cone Filter Plus
(see cat.no. in Chapter 1.1). Plus filters
block the passage of liquids com-
pletely. The filters do not affect the cali-
bration of the pipettor (Fig. 8).
Note: Change the filter on the tip cone regularly (after 50-250
Fig. 7
Fig. 8