Pressing the "At/Enter" key while in the main menu will bring up an option screen.
This screen will allow you to choose between displaying the DMX values in
percentage (1 through 100) or DMX value (1 through 255). Once your selection is
made, the mode will stay active until the mode is changed, even if the unit is
powered off and back on again. The display mode is set to percentage at the factory
but can be changed at any time.
From any of the following modes, you can get back to the main menu by
holding the thru button down for about 4 seconds, or turn the power off and
back on again.
The battery icon on the right side of the LCD screen indicates the
approximate percentage of battery life remaining.
Send mode:
In send mode, the screen starts out displaying this:
To turn on an address at a level, simply type the number of the address
that you wish to turn on (a number between 1 and 512). Then press the
AT/ENTER button. Now type the level of the address (a number between 1
and 100). Then press the AT/ENTER button again. The address will now
be at the level you entered.
Pressing the arrow buttons will decrease or increase the level of the last
address entered.
Pressing the AT/ENTER button a third time will enter dimmer check mode
and display "+-" on the screen. Pressing the arrow buttons will increase or
decrease the address while leaving the level set at the last level entered.
If you wish to bring a level to full or 100 percent, you can simply press the
FULL button after you type in the address number.
If you wish to activate a series of addresses, for example addresses 1
through 24, then press the 1 button, then press the THRU button, then
press 2 and 4, followed by the AT/ENTER button, followed by the level (or
the full button), followed by the AT/ENTER button again.
Pressing the CLEAR button will clear all of the channels and their levels
back to zero.