Instructions - EAS ELECTRIC EAS SUN Serie Manual De Montaje

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Before beginning the assembly of the structure, make sure that the place where the equipment
will be assembled has enough structural strength to put up with the mechanicals loads caused by
the equipment's own weight as well as the wind and / or snow actions.
There is a single mounting structure that serves for flat surface or roof.
The structure has to be level, and in a place that does not receive shadows. You must also take into
consideration that the optimal orientation is South.
In case of mounting on an inclined roof, it must have a minimum inclination of 18º.
Be sure to perform the assembly according to the above schemes. The tightening of the screws
must be done firmly.
Assembly of all connection elements.
Connect all the described elements in the images, except for the safety valve and the cap ½". Start
filling up the secondary circuit (consumption) checking that there are no leaks in the connections
carried out on it. Make sure you have properly installed the tightness of the secondary circuit in
Filling of the primary circuit (solar).
Before filling the primary circuit, you should perform the mixture of water and antifreeze in an
appropriate proportion in order to protect it of the minimum historical temperature registered in
the area where will be the installation. The filling must be done by the superior takes that's the cap
½". This operation must be carried out with the safety valve uninstalled to favor the air outlet
during the filling process. Once this circuit is completely full and start to flow the liquid by the
superior takes, start installing both the brass cap as safety valve.
Check the correct tightness of all connections made.
It is normal that on the first days of operation there is a small drop through the safety valve of 2.5
bar, as this will generate an air chamber at the top of the circuit and it will work as expansion
Check the safety valves are connected and positioned so as to avoid any accumulation of dust,
deposits or other similar impurities, as they appear in the images. Never close or plug the safety
valves. Under certain conditions, safety valves may release steam, so it is necessary to orient them
so that no injuries happend.
As safety element, we recommend to use a thermal discharge valve. In this way, it will be ensured
that the equipment does not exceed temperatures up 90ºC.


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