3. Click on the Start button to start the wizard, and follow
the instructions from the Installation Wizard to finish
setting up your DSM-350.
4. Getting started with mydlink:
A. Open Internet Explorer and go to http://www.mydlink.com
B. Sign in to mydlink.
C. Select your DSM-350 from the device list, and you will be able to
access it.
Advanced Setup (Access Via IP Address)
To configure the DSM-350 manually (without the CD-ROM) connect your computer to the DSM-350 using
the Ethernet cable provided, then connect the power cable to the DSM-350. The power light will turn solid
Open Internet Explorer and enter the following IP address in the browser address field and use the following
information to log in to the device:
IP ADDRESS: http://dlink-xxxxxx
(where xxxxxx is the last 6 digits of your device's MAC address,which you can find
on the bottom of your device)
PASSWORD: (leave this field blank)