9. Configuration of the lcd display
Press the power button twice in quick succession to enter the LCD display configuration.
Within the display configuration, press the up and down buttons to change the value of the
individual parameter, press the left/right button to move to the previous/next parameter, press
the power button to exit the LCD display configuration.
9.1 km/Miles
Indicated by the S7symbol, press the up and down buttons to switch from a Km/h to Mph
9.2 Cº / Fº
Indicated by the CF symbol, press the up and down buttons to switch from a temperature
display from degrees Celsius ( C) to Fahrenheit ( F).
9.3 Automatic front light
Indicated by the bL0 symbol, permitted values: 0-5, press the up and down buttons to switch
between the different values, the value 0 deactivates the automatic front light, the value 1
activates the front light automatically in environments where the present brightness is higher,
and the value 5 activates the front light automatically in environments where the present
brightness is lower.
9.4 Display backlight
Indicated by the bL1 symbol, press the up and down buttons to switch between the different
permitted values: 1-5.
9.5 Beeper
Indicated by the bEP symbol, permitted values: 0-1, press the up and down values to switch
between the different values, with the value 0 the beeper is deactivated, with the value 1 the
beeper is activated.
9.6 spegnimento automatico del display
Indicated by the 0FF symbol, permitted values: 1-9.
The values set correspond to the minutes. The default percentage is 5.
If the imported value is a value between 1 and 9, the display will automatically turn off after a
few minutes.
9.7 Power display
Indicated by the P0d symbol, press the up and down buttons to switch between the different
permitted values: 0-1, with value 1 you can view the watt output on the display, with value 0
you can disable this function.
9.8 Notice
Signalled by the nnA symbol, press the up and down buttons to switch between the different
permitted values: 0-1, with value 1 this function is activated, with value 0 this function is
deactivated; this function cannot be activated due to the manufacturer's instructions.