Installing the SHM-NPR is simple and straightforward.
Just follow these instructions.
1. Separate the two parts of the plastic cover by
pressing the marked places on the sides, starting at
the cable end.
2. Connect the two wires of the line to the terminal
block into the two LINE screws, observing correct
polarity. (The CENTER of one modem should be
connected to the CENTER of the other modem,
and GND should be connected to GND.)
For coax applications, connect the coax line into
the CENTER screw and connect the shielding to
the GND screw.
3. To close the unit, simply press the two halves of
the cover together.
4. Plug the modem directly into the 25-pin
connector of the terminal or computer port, and
fasten with the screws at each side of the modem
3. Installation
CHAPTER 3: Installation