Feed System
5. Bolt the Unloader to the Transfer Plate using four 5/16"-18 x 1" Slotted Screws,
6. Connect Auger Tube(s), Auger and Anchor Bearing(s) to unloader. Tube and
7. Once installation is complete; Access/Clean-out Plate can be assembled.
Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2014
Unloader Boot and Restrictor Baffle Guide
washers, and Nuts. Please note proper inlet/outlet orientation of Lower Boot
prior to assembly. This procedure is the same for all Unloader Configurations.
Auger installation should be in accordance with the manufacturers (OEM)
installation guidelines. Be sure to follow auger manufacturers' auger stretching
recommendation during Anchor Bearing assembly. As a general rule: Stretch the
auger 2 inches for every 50 feet of auger length.
1. Loosen wing nuts to end of studs.
2. Start lower side of access plate in unloader boot opening (Figure 3).
3. Slide access plate up as far as possible so plate catches top of unloader
boot opening.
4. Hold access plate in place while tightening wing nuts (Figure 4).
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4