Before using your new CAT-5 Cable Tester, please read this
Before using your new CAT-5 Cable Tester, please read this
instruction manual to prevent any damage. Put it away in a
instruction manual to prevent any damage. Put it away in a
safe place for future references.
safe place for future references.
1.- Power on the tester, the LED indicator will fl ash in red.
2.- Connect one of the RJ-45 connector to a piece of the tester
(the tester includes two pieces), the other extreme pf the cable
plug it into the second piece of the tester.
3.- If the cable has continuity and each pair match, the tester will
indicate you through the LEDs. The LEDs will light on in green,
alternating. Firstly, the LED 1 and 2 will light, secondly, the LEDs
from pair 3 and 6, and successively, until you turn the tester off.
4.- If you going to check ground, press the Ground button (it is
located in the left side of main tester piece). The LEDs will light
on in green, except pairs 3 and 6.
5.- If the ground is false or presents failures, the LEDs will show
any other state.
If you want to test continuity in cables with BNC connectors,
follow these instructions:
1.- Connect the cable to BNC connector in the tester, in the other
end of the cable connect the BNC end included with the tester.
2.- Push the button located in the left side of the main tester
piece. If the continuity exists, the LED will light on in green. If
light in red, the continuity does not exist or something is wrong
with the connection.