How Do I Operate the LED Illumination?
Locate the ON/OFF switch on the base of the microscope. Flip the switch to the on position and the light will
illuminate. This microscope is equipped with modern LED lighting (a light-emitting diode) that illuminates the specimen
from below. The aperture wheel is located in the middle of the microscope stage. They help you when you are
observing very bright or clear specimens. Using these filters, you can choose from various brightness levels. This
helps you better recognize the components of colorless or transparent objects (e.g., grains of starch, protozoa).
How Do I Adjust My Microscope Correctly?
Place in a suitable location as described previously and sit in a comfortable viewing position. Each observation
starts with the lowest magnification. Adjust the microscope stage so that the stage is at the lowest position. Then
turn the objective turret until it clicks into place at the lowest magnification (objective 4x). Note: Before you change
the objective setting, always move the microscope stage to its lowest position. This way, you can avoid causing any
damage to the slide or microscope. Make sure the zoom eyepiece is also in the fully lowered position.
Note: The highest magnification is not always the best for every specimen.
How do I observe the specimen?
Sitting in your location with adequate illumination chosen from the aperture filter wheel, the following basic rules are
to be observed: Start with a simple observation at the lowest magnification. This way, it is easier to position the object
in the middle (centering) and make the image sharp (focusing). The higher the magnification, the more light you will
require for good image quality.
Now place the prepared slide directly under the objective on the microscope stage securing with the stage clips. The
object/specimen should be located directly over the illumination. At this point, take a look through the eyepiece and
carefully turn the focus knob until the image appears clear and sharp. Now you can select a higher magnification by
slowly turning the zoom eyepiece. When the zoom lens is completely turned out, the magnification is increased by
62%. If you would like an even higher level of magnification, turn the objective turret to a higher setting (10x or 40x).
Note: You should return the zoom to lowest power of magnification.
Note: You should always lower the stage and return the zoom to lowest power when rotating the objective turret.
Each time the magnification changes (eyepiece or objective change), the image sharpness must be readjusted with
the focus knob. When doing this, make sure to be careful; if you move the microscope stage too quickly, the objective
and the slide could come into contact and cause damage to the slide or the microscope.
For transparent objects (e.g., protozoa), the light shines from below, through the opening in the microscope stage and
then through the object. The light travels further through the objective and eyepiece, where it is also magnified, and
finally goes into the eye. This is transmitted light microscopy. Many microorganisms in water, many plant components
and the smallest animal parts are already transparent in nature. Opaque specimens, on the other hand, will need to be
prepared for viewing. Opaque specimens can be made transparent by a process of treatment and penetration with
the correct materials (media), or by slicing. You can read more about creating specimens in the following sections.
Magnification Guide
Zoom Eyepiece