Before using your new Wireless 802,11g Print Server, please
Before using your new Wireless 802,11g Print Server, please
read this instruction manual to prevent any damage. Put it
read this instruction manual to prevent any damage. Put it
away in a safe place for future references.
away in a safe place for future references.
This compact print server can connect your network through an
Access Point under the infrastructure mode, or can be used in
ad-hoc mode for direct communication between PC/Notebook
and print server anywhere you wish to locate wireless printer
services. It manages the fl ow of print fi les from your workstation
or fi le server to its connected printers, delivering print jobs to
high-performance printers much faster than a fi le server or a PC
acting as a print server can.
The Wireless USB Print Server features a Web-based
Confi guration Utility, which allows you to set up the print server
through the web browser easily and quickly. It also includes a
powerful software utility PS-Utility, a user-friendly program that
allows you to complete further settings for the print server.
Unpack the package and check all the items carefully, and be
certain that you have:
♦ One Wireless USB Print Server.
♦ One AC Power Adapter suitable for your country's electric
power service.
♦ One Quick Installation Guide.
♦ One Installation CD-ROM containing the PS-Utility program
and the User's Guide.
If any item contained is damaged or missing, please contact your
local dealer immediately. Also, keep the box and packing
materials in case you need to ship the unit in the future.
♦ Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003.
♦ For Web Confi guration:
Java-enabled web browser, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer
5.0 and Netscape Navigator 6.0.