1. WIFI camera with magnetic medium
1. Please charge the camera (see paragraph RELOADS BATTERY for more details)
2. Please download the application SAFETYEYE
• IOS APPLE Devices
• ANDROID Devices
3. Turn on the WIFI Camera (lit blue LED fixes)
4. Search & select on your device APPLE or ANDROID the network wifi SONIX_###. This WIFI network is a private network between your camera and your device, it does not allow
the Internet access, each camera offers an independent private network than other cameras. The connection of 2 simultaneous devices (telephones, shelves) is possible.
5. Open the application SAFETYEYE . The image of the camera will appear directly on lʼécran of your device. Your WIFI camera BEEPER is ready to function.
Connect the USB cable provided on the camera and an USB charger (not provided) or one
computer. The USB charger (not provided) must ideally provide 1 Ah to 5 volts. The LED on
the WIFI camera indicates the various conditions of the product. The complete refill lasts
approximately 3 hours, the total autonomy is about 5 hours. Take care of well closing the
sealing stopper of the catch of refill. The state of the product is indicated thanks to the LED.
2. Cable USB 1m. for refill (taken sector not provided)
Download directly the application SAFETYEYE on the APPSTORE
Scan the following QR Code
You will reach a site allowing the download of the aplication SAFETYEYE .
According to the adjustments and restrictions of your ANDROID device, you will have
to accept the developer of lʼapplication Safetyeye.
3. Self-adhesive two-sided Velcro for an interior use only
Charging of the camera is in progress
End of charging or camera is off
Camera under operation
Blue flickering: weak battery, please reload