Slim Pad B843Q
5.12 APK Installer
This device supports the third party's Application Package (APK format) based on Android
OS. Many Application Package can be downloaded from internet, or copied from other devices
into the storage.
If the Application Package is not downloaded from Google Android Market, you should
operate the following steps before installation. Please check Settings – Applications, make sure
Unknown sources is chosen.
Click the File Manager icon
prompted to install
5.12.1 Install: Click Install, enter into the APK installer interface.
Internal Memory means built-in Flash memory, SD card means inserted T-Flash;
After entering, select the APK format setting program in the right side, click the application
to install, back to the main interface when complete this operation, then it finished the
installing, and there will be a relevant icon in application list.
and Choose the file you want to install APK, press