1. Remove the (2) screws to unlock
the top support frame from the
bottom support frame. Fig.1.
Adjust the height by referring to
the diagram in Fig. 2. Secure the
support frames together with (2)
screws per extension arm (Tot. 8).
2. Place correct size ducting for your
installation (not supplied) on top
of hood and secure to the blower
collar with aluminum duct tape.
The ducting should be long enou-
gh so it protrudes out the top of
the support frame and extends
into the attic to connect after the
hood is installed. Fig.4
3. Place assembled support frames
on top of hood and secure it to the
hood body using 8 screws. Fig.5
4. Place duct covers over assembled
support frame until they rest on
the hood body. Fig.6
X = C - (4,3-1/16" + 24" + B)
5. Position hole template on the ceiling
paying attention that the arrow is po-
sitioned on the same side as the range
hood controls. Fig.7
- 4 -
4,3 - 1/16"