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Setting Into Operation; Functional Principle; Use As Directed - Westfalia M167 Guia De Inicio Rapido


Assembly instructions:
The device is to be opened with 4 screws and the 2 AA-batteries have to be inserted into
the battery holder. Please use good batteries (e.g. alkali cells). The device merely requires electric
current when the push-button is pushed for reading and so the batteries may last up to 3 years.
The device may be mounted at a wall by using the assembly angles at the case. The cable towards
your water tank has to be connected to the strip terminal inside the device according to the
drawing. The core with the "earth connection" is the terminal with the earth symbol, which is right
on the left. The end of this core has to be fastened right at the bottom of the water tank (in the
residual water). Then all other cores have to be arranged as per the drawing, i.e. in such a manner
as you want to have the indication: The LED "10 %" lights up if the end of the cable core "10 %"
comes into contact with the water. The LED "20 %" lights up if the core at terminal "20 %" comes
into contact with water. The same happens with the other connecting terminals. You have to
arrange the bare core ends in the water tank in that manner as you want to have the appropriate
indication. When arranging the core "50 %" in the centre of the tank height, the indication "50 %"
lights up if this core end in the tank is still in contact with water. So the appropriate LED always
lights up if the bare end of the core touches water. Important: Strip the ends of the cables (i.e.
bare) in the water tank approx. 1 - 3 cm. Tinned cable should be preferred as it does not oxidise
that easily in the rainwater tank. The cable ends must not touch each other mechanically in the
water tank or get into contact with each other via a sheet metal. The contact may only take place
via the water. It also works if you want to measure the filling level of slurry tanks or clarification
tanks. In this case, however, you have to use metals as probes in the tank, which will not be
corroded by the liquid. These may be e.g. electrodes of titanium or gold-plated electrodes. The
electrodes don't have to be big (surface < 0.5 cm
gold-plated iron screws are suitable for slurry tanks. However, please see to it that the electrical
connection between the titanium or gold-plated screw is insulated "acid-proof" (varnish covering of
the junction or the like), so that the acid won't corrode the copper line.

Setting into operation:

Push the button "level indication" of the device. The green LED and all other LEDs that are in
contact with the water in the tank must light up now. The green LED indicates that the battery is
still all right.

Functional principle:

All LED inputs, which are connected with "earth" (first terminal left) via the water, control through
and make the appropriate LED light up.

Use as directed:

To check the water level in tanks and barrels.
Attention: The device is not suitable for combustible liquids (oil, fuel, thinner, diesel fuel, etc.)!!!
Technical data:
Operating voltage: 3 V (2 built-in AA batteries)
Display: max. 10 LEDs and 1 LED for the battery control
Measuring points in the water tank: 1...10, switchable
Current consumption during the measurement (button is pushed): max. 50 mA if all LEDs light up
Max. cable length between the level indicator and water tank: 100 m
Required cable to the water tank: telephone cable or similar cable with at least 11 cores
Measuring current at the water tank probe: 50 µA per channel
Dimensions: approx. 120 x 70 x 20 mm (without wall angle brackets)
). For this purpose, small screws of titanium or
Montage tips:
Het moduul wordt doormiddel van 4 schroeven geopend, en u plaatst dan de 2 type AA batterijen er in. Gebruik goede batterijen, bijvoor-
beeld Alkaline. Het moduul verbruikt alleen stroom als de druktoets ingedrukt wordt, zodoende kunnen de batterijen ca. 3 jaar meegaan. U kunt het
moduul ook aan de muur monteren, gebruik dan het haakse beugeltje. In de binnenkant van het moduul zit een schroef aansluiting deze is nodig om
het snoer aan te sluiten die naar de tank gaat, zie tekening. De aansluiting met de tekst "masseanschluss" zit links (massa symbool) daar wordt de
draad aangesloten die onder in de tank zit. Alle andere draden worden volgens tekening op volgorde aangesloten, zoals u dat wilt hebben. Als u de
draad monteert op klem "10 %", en het water maakt contact dat deze "10 %" aangeven, zo ook als u de draad monteert op klem "50 %", en het water
maakt contact, zal deze "50 %" aangeven. Natuurlijk moet u de draad met "50 %" halverwege de tank monteren. De led zal de indicatie geven als het
water halverwege de tank dan is. Belangrijk is: dat de uiteinden van het draad ca. 1 tot 3 cm gestript moet zijn (blank dus). Het is goed als u vertind
draad gebruikt, omdat deze in regenwater niet oxideert. De uiteinden van de draden mogen niet tegen de buitenkant van de tank gemonteerd worden
als de tank van metaal is, bij gebruik van een kunststof tank is er geen probleem. De verbinding van de 2 draden mag alleen via het water gaan, dus
niet via anderen metalen (zoals de metalen watertank of giertank). Er kan een elektrode van titaan of vergulde elektroden gebruikt worden. De elektro-
den kunnen klein zijn (oppervlakte < 0,5 cm²). Een elektrode die u kunt gebruiken bij giertanks zijn schroeven van titaan of roestvaste schroeven, er
moet wel opgelet worden dat de elektrische verbinding tussen titaan of roestvast zuurvrij geïsoleerd is (door middel van een lak of iets dergelijks, zodat
het zuur niet de koperleiding beïnvloed).
Als u op de drukknop drukt van "fullstandsanzeige" moet de groene led oplichten en andere led's ook gaan oplichten die het waterniveau aanraken.
De groene led geeft alleen aan dat de batterij goed is, rest is voor de hoogte.
Functie principe:
Alle led ingangen die met "massa" (eerste klem links) verbonden zijn, sturen de bijhorende led aan.
Speciale toepassing:
Het controleren van water in tanks en vaten. Let op: dit moduul kan niet toegepast worden bij brandgevoelige vloeistoffen (olie, benzine, diesel etc.)!!!!
Technische specificaties:
Voedingsspanning: 3 V (d.m.v. 2 x AA batterij, intern)
Indicatie: max. 10 Led's en 1 LED voor batterij controle
Meetpunt in de watertank: 1...10, omschakelbaar
Stroomopname alleen tijdens de meting (als de drukbouten ingedrukt is: max. 50 mA, wanneer alle LED's oplichten)
Max. kabellengte tussen niveaumelder en watertank: 100 m
Aanbevolen kabel naar de watertank: minstens 11 aderig telefoonkabel of iets dergelijks
Meetstroom van de watertankvoeler: 50 µA per kanaal
Afmetingen: ca. 120 x 70 x 20 mm (zonder muurbevestigingsbeugel)
Instruções de montagem:
O aparelho é aberto com 4 parafusos e deve colocar 2 AA-baterias no porta-eléctrodo das baterias. Por favor usar baterias resistentes (por
exp. Alkali-células). O aparelho só necessita da corrente, quando o interruptor de fazer leitura é carrregado, assim podem as baterias ter uma duração
até 3 anos. Com o ângulo de montagem na caixa pode o aparelho ser montado na parede. Na régua de bornes no interior do aparelho é o cabo para o
seu tanque de àgua ligado conforme no desenho. O condutor com a "terminal de terra" é o borne no lado esquerdo com o simbolo de massa. O fim
deste condutor é fixado no fundo do tanque de àgua (em resto de àgua). Todos os outros condutores são conforme no desenho ordenados como
desejar as indicações: quando o fim do cabo condutor "10 %" têm contacto com a àgua brilha o LED "10 %". Quando o condutor no borne "20 %" têm
contacto com a àgua, brilha o LED "20 %". O mesmo acontece com os outros bornes de ligação. Deve ordenar os fios nus no tanque de àgua ao modo
que quer as respectivas indicações. Quando ordenar o condutor "50 %" no meio da altura do tanque, brilha a indicação "50 %" quando este fim do
condutor no tanque ainda tem contacto com a àgua. O respectivo LED brilha então sempre quando o fio nu condutor no tanque tem contacto com a
àgua. Importante: Os fins dos cabos no tanque da àgua devem ca. 1...3 cm ser isolados. É recomendável usar cabo galvanizado, para que este no
tanque de àgua da chuva não oxidar tão rápido. Os fins do cabo no tanque de àgua não se podem tocar-se mecânicos ou sobre uma placa metálica
terem contacto ums com os outros. O contacto só pode acontecer sobre àgua. Tambem funciona quando quizer medir a altura do nível do tanque de
estrume líquido ou bacia de decantação. Nestes casos deve então como sensor no tanque usar metais que não são agredidos por os líquidos podem
por exp. eléctrodos de titânio ou eléctrodos dourados. Os eléctrodos não precisão ser grandes (superfície < 0,5 cm²). São adequados para os tanques
de estrume líquidos por exp. pequenos parafusos de titânio ou dourados parafusos de ferro. Deve tomar atenção para que as ligações eléctricas entre
o titânio ou dourados parafusos estejam isoladas contra á prova de ácidos (cobertura de esmalte do lugar da ligação ou parecido) para que os ácidos
não possam agredir a linha de cobre.
Colocação em funcionamento:
Carregar no botão do aparelho "Indicador do nível". Agora deve brilhar o LED verde
e todos os outros LED's que estão em contacto com a àgua no tanque.
O LED verde mostra que a bateria está em ordem.
Principio de função:
Todas as entradas dos LED's que sobre a àgua estão ligados com a massa
"o primeiro borne", são comandados e deixam o pertencente LED brilhar.
Uso conforme as disposições legais:
Para controle da altura da àgua em tanques e barril.
Atenção: O aparelho não é adequado para combustíveis líquidos
(óleo, gasolina, diluente, diesel (gasóleo) etc.)!!!
Dados técnicos:
Tensão de serviço: 3 V (2 montadas AA baterias)
Indicação: máx. 10 LED's e 1 LED para o controle das baterias
Ponto de medida no tanque: 1...10, comutável
Consumo de corrente durante a medição (carregar no botão): máx. 50 mA,
quando brilharem todos os LED's
Máximo comprimento dos cabos entre avisador do nível e o tanque de água: 100 m
Necessário cabo para o tanque de água: 11 fios condutores de cabo de telefone ou
cabo parecido
Medida de corrente no sensor do tanque de água mínimo 50 µA por canal
Medida: ca. 120 x 70 x 20 mm (sem ângulo de fixação para a parede)
Modul M167 /
module M167
D / Um die Kabel zu fixieren, sollte dieses an
einem Stock im Tank befestigt werden. Die
Enden müssen ca. 1 - 3 cm blank abisoliert sein.
GB / For fixing the cable, it should be fastened at
a stick in the tank. The ends have to be bared
blank for approx. 1 - 3 cm.



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