User information
Smoke detector GENIUS
on your new
smoke detector
In the event of a fire, deadly
smoke spreads quickly and
often unnoticed throughout the entire home. A
smoke detector protects you and your household
because it gives early warning of fire, particularly
during sleep when your sense of smell is not ac-
tive. You therefore save valuable time in which to
get to safety and call for help.
Please inform your landlord / property manag-
er immediately of any structural changes and /
or changes in use of individual rooms.
Please refer to the instruction manual for infor-
mation regarding smoke detector GENIUS er-
ror signals as well as operating and warning
signals. If you have any questions, if the smoke
detector GENIUS indicates an error or repeatedly
emits an alarm, please contact us on our 24-hour
BRUNATA-METRONA Smoke detector-Hotline:
0800 00017 97
Manufacturer: HEKATRON
BRUNATA-METRONA is a member of the campaign
"Smoke detectors save lives" from the Forum
Brandrauchprävention e.V., (Association for fire prevention)