Accessing Supervisor Menu:
1. Enter supervisor menu by depressing '00'
2. Enter supervisor code (4-8 digit)
3. Depress Power/Enter > High pitched tone accompanied by green and red LEDs indicates successful
entry to Supervisor Menu. Note: Entry errors are indicated by red LED and low pitch tone.
The default Supervisor PIN is factory set to (00) 1234. It is recommended that this code be changed per the
instructions in menu option 1 shown below.
Note 2:
If supervisor PIN is lost or forgotten, the unit can be set back to the default (00) 1234 PIN by pressing 1, 3,
7 & 9 simultaneously until the reset tone occurs, followed by 4 fl ashes of the green and red LED (in
approximately 5 seconds). Press CE to confi rm.
Note 3:
Confi rmation of key activation is always provided when any key is pressed by means of audible tone and
green fl ash of "accept" LED.
Once supervisor menu is entered (as indicated above) the four menu selections are now available:
1. Change Supervisor PIN
2. Add/Delete Users
3. Last User.
4. Maintenance Menu.
Menu Option 1 – Change Supervisor PIN Menu:
1. While in supervisor menu, press 1 followed by Power/Enter key to access Supervisor PIN change menu.
> High Pitch Tone & Single Flash of Red LED indicates successful entry to supervisor PIN programming
2. Enter 4 - 8 digit PIN followed by power/enter key. > Green Accept LED fl ashes once with each key
3. Enter 4 - 8 digit PIN second time followed by power/enter key. > High pitched tone accompanied by
green and red LEDs indicates successful acceptance of new PIN.
4. Press CE key to save new supervisor PIN > High pitch tone accompanied by green and red LEDs
indicates successful save of new PIN while returning the unit to supervisor menu.
5. Choose another menu option or Press CE to exit the supervisor menu.
Menu Option 2 – Add/ Delete Users
1. While in supervisor menu, press 2 followed by Power/Enter key to access Add/Delete user function.
> High Pitch Tone and two fl ashes of Red LED indicate successful entry to menu option 2.
2. Press two digit user ID (01-99) to be activated, followed by enter/power key. > Unit will either respond
with Green LED / high pitch tone to indicate user ID is available or RED LED/low pitch tone that
indicates user ID is already assigned.
3. Press Power/Enter key again to change status of user ID > One of two results may occur:
• Green LED/High Pitch tone indicates user ID active.
• Red LED/High Pitch tone indicates user ID inactive.
Note: During the above procedure the user ID status can be toggled between inactive and active modes
until desired setting is present by further Power/Enter key depressions.
4. Press CE key to save assigned user > High pitch tone accompanied by green and red LEDs indicates
successful changes to user assignments.
5. Repeat process to Add/Delete additional users or press CE to exit to Supervisor menu.