Connecting the Reader
the Lexar Multi-card 25-in-1 usB 3.0 reader has a plug-and-play design, with
no driver installation needed.
to connect the reader, simply follow these steps:
- remove cable and reader from the box
- Locate the mini usB port on the back of the reader and
insert the usB cable into the reader as illustrated above
- Locate the usB 3.0 port on your desktop or laptop
and connect the usB cable into the port
to open the reader, locate the release button on each
side of the reader and push simultaneously. the reader
will pop open.
Note: Windows XP Network users
if your laptop or desktop is linked to a work or home network with multiple drives, your
system may not detect all 5 reader slots. if that's the case, follow the instructions below:
- On your desktop screen, right click on MY cOMPuter and select MaNage
- select disk MaNageMeNt from the menu located on the left hand side of your screen
- Locate and select your reMOVaBLe driVe (reader slot), then right click
- select cHaNge driVe Letter aNd PatH and select cHaNge
- On the right side, you will see a drop-down menu with a letter. click on the drop-down
arrow, select a new letter for your reMOVaBLe driVe (reader slot), and click Ok
repeat the above process for each undetected reader slot.