READ these instructions very carefully before using
your helmet. They are very important for your safety.
IMPORTANT: this helmet has been designed specifically
for riders and does not guarantee the same safety when
used for any other purpose. In case of accidents, and
particularly violent impacts, the helmet does not
eliminate the risk of serious or even fatal injury.
CAUTION: never tamper with any parts of your helmet.
Do not cut or pierce the shell, do not insert srews and
do not paint the helmet.
1. To ensure a correct helmet position, it must be the
right size of your head and it has to fit perfectly.
2. The fastening system must always be adjusted and f
fastened correctly.
3. The visor as to be always clean and without scratches.
Do not fit the colored visor when is night or with a
low visibility. For your safety remember to replace the
visor when is deteriorated.