Browse the webpage
When the page finishes loading, you can slide your finger to browse and view other parts of the page.
• Zoom in or zoom out webpages
The webpage can be zoomed in or out by double-clicking the screen or by dragging through two fingers.
• Find texts within the webpage
. 1. While browsing the web, press the Menu key to pop up the menu options.
. 2. Click Find on web.
. 3. Enter the item you want to search.
. 4. The matched texts are highlighted in green while inputting the characters.
. 5. Click left-to-right arrow before the search bar to move to the previous or the next matched word.
• Manage bookmarks
1. Set web page bookmark
. Go to certain web page in the browser interface.
. Click the icon 'Click here to add a web page as bookmark' in Fig. 7-2, and a Bookmark this page window pops up, click OK to
set the page you want as the bookmark.
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