Insert tubes into ColorQ with line and arrow facing forward.
" = Shade meter from bright sunlight. Press/Hold button to turn off.
If unit should auto-off during testing rinse and fill one tube to Blank and return
to testing.
Brush and rinse all tubes promptly after use.
Allow tubes to dry before returning to case.
Replace reagent caps securely. Use only LaMotte replacement reagents.
bAt = Battery is low.
" = Tube is misaligned, scratched, stained, or light chamber is stained.
See User Guide for more information.
Introduire le ColorQ droit.
" = Maintenir l'appareil l'ombre. Appuyer le bouton off pour l'eteindre.
Si l'appareil s'éteint automatiquement refaire un blanc et reprendre l'analyse.
Essuyer et nettoyer tous les tubes correctement après l'usage.
Permettre que les tubes se sechent bien avant de les réutiliser.
Ferrer correctement les reactifs.
bAt = Batterie basse.
Insertar el tubo en el ColorQ recto.
" = apartar el aparato de los rayos
del sol. Presionar/mantener el botón para
Si el aparato se auto-apaga durante el
test, llenar un tubo para el Blanco y volver
al análisis.
Enjuagar y limpiar todos los tubos
adecuadamente después del uso.
Permitir que los tubos se sequen antes de
volver a usarlos.
Cerrar correctamente los reactivos.
bAt = Bateria baja.
NOTE: Optional Reagents sold separately.
WARNING! This set contains chemicals that may be harmful
if misused. Read cautions on individual containers carefully.
Not to be used by children except under adult supervision.
Copper 7
PO Box 329 • Chestertown • Maryland • 21620 • USA
800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 • 410-778-6394
09/17 • 62068
Order Code 2068