Eating disorders:
In the wintertime, patients with winter
bread or pasta) as well as sugar (for
instance in the form of chocolate), which
may cause them to put on quite some
weight. Weight gains of 10 kilograms
are not exceptional. This additional
weight is then lost again in the spring.
Depressive, dull or listless mood without
perceptible cause.
Patients with winter depression are much
more prone to lose their balance in the
wintertime, they may react irritably to
their environment and ultimate isolate
themselves. They often lose interest
in social interaction and may suffer
again once the days are getting longer.
Light therapy
The emphasis in treating winter depression
is on the amount of light the patient is
exposed to each day. This is known as light
therapy. In this context the patient spends
a certain amount of time daily in front
of a strong light source. The lamp should
not be too far removed from the eyes.
The best time of day is in the morning
because the lamp makes it easier to wake
up properly.
The light intensity of the Caremaxx
DayLight reaches a maximum of 10,000 lux
and is thus many times higher than that of
a regular lamp. In the wintertime, outdoor
light intensities vary between 2,000 and
10,000 lux. Indoor light intensities may
be even lower and vary between 0 and
500 lux. A sunny summer day, on the
other hand, easily reaches a light intensity
of 100,000 lux. Thus, regular lamps are
inadequate, as they are normally below
500 lux.
Spending 30 minutes daily in front of
the DayLight for a week while looking
into the lamp occasionally will suffice to
alleviate the complaints associated with
winter depression. It is not necessary to
constantly stare directly into the lamp.
The DayLight light therapy is a simple and
effective method of compensating any
lack of natural daylight without taking
How to operate the instrument
The duration of each session depends on
the distance between the face and the
light source. The smaller the distance
between the face and the light source,
the briefer the session.
You may use the DayLight while doing
something else, such as reading, writing,
telephoning, etc. Keep in mind, however,
that you will have to remain close to the
lamp during treatment.
Place the DayLight on a solid surface (such
as a table) by using the foldable stand.
Push the plug into the socket and turn the
instrument on by using the main switch
Sit down in front of the instrument.
Take regular but brief peeks at the light. It
is not to be recommended to stare at the
light for any length of time.
At a distance of 20 cm, a session will last
approximately 30 minutes.