Noise/Vibration Information
Measured values determined according to EN 60 745.
The A-weighted noise level of the machine is typically:
Sound pressure level (LpA) 84 dB(A)
Sound power level (LwA) 96 dB(A)
Measurement uncertainty K = 3 dB
The noise level can exceed 85 dB(A) during operation.
Wear hearing protection!
Vibration emission value ah =
Measurement uncertainty K = 1,5 m/s2
Triaxial vibration emission value determined according
to EN 60745.
The vibration emission level given in this information sheet
has been measured in accordance with a standardised
test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare
one tool with another.
The vibration emission level will vary because of the ways
in which a power tool can be used and may increase
above the level given in this information sheet.
This could lead to underestimation of vibration when the
tool is used regularly in such a manner.
Note: To be accurate, an estimation of the level of exposure
to vibration experienced during a given period of work
should also take into account the times when the tool
is switched o and when it is running but not actually
when doing the job. This may significantly reduce the
exposure level over the total working period.