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Specific Precautions; Important Safety Instructions - LG A9UW56GFA1 Manual Del Usuario



Always comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak
performance of your product.
It can result in serious injury or death when the directions are ignored.
It can result in minor injury or product damage when the directions are ignored.
• Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons can result in hazards to you and others.
• The information contained in the manual is intended for use by a qualified service technician
familiar with safety procedures and equipped with the proper tools and test instruments.
• Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in equipment
malfunction, property damage, personal injury and/or death.
• Have all electric work done by a licensed electrician according to "Electric Facility Engineering
Standard" and "Interior Wire Regulations" and the instructions given in this manual and always
use a special circuit.
- If the power source capacity is inadequate or electric work is performed improperly, electric
shock or fire may result.
• Ask the dealer or an authorized technician to install the air conditioner.
- Improper installation by the user may result in water leakage, electric shock, or fire.
• Always ground the product.
- There is risk of fire or electric shock.
• Always intstall a dedicated circuit and breaker.
- Improper wiring or installation may cause fire or electric shock.
• For re-installation of the installed product, always contact a dealer or an Authorized Service Center.
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or injury.
• Do not install, remove, or re-install the unit by yourself (customer).
- There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or injury.
• Do not store or use flammable gas or combustibles near the air conditioner.
- There is risk of fire or failure of product.
• Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse.
- There is risk of fire or electric shock.
• Prepare for strong wind or earthquake and install the unit at the specified place.
- Improper installation may cause the unit to topple and result in injury.
• Do not install the product on a defective installation stand.
- It may cause injury, accident, or damage to the product.
• Use a vacuum pump or Inert(nitrogen) gas when doing leakage test or air purge. Do not compress
air or Oxygen and do not use Flammable gases. Otherwise, it may cause fire or explosion.
- There is the risk of death, injury, fire or explosion.
• When installing and moving the air conditioner to another site, do not charge it with a different
refrigerant from the refrigerant specified on the unit.
- If a different refrigerant or air is mixed with the original refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may
malfunction and the unit may be damaged.
• Do not reconstruct to change the settings of the protection devices.
- If the pressure switch, thermal switch, or other protection device is shorted and operated
forcibly, or parts other than those specified by LGE are used, fire or explosion may result.
• Ventilate before operating air conditioner when gas leaked out.
- It may cause explosion, fire, and burn.

Specific Precautions


