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Slim Combination Laptop Lock - resettable



Resumen de contenidos para Kensington Slim Combination

  • Página 1 Slim Combination Laptop Lock - resettable
  • Página 4 For maximum security be sure to turn all dials to a random configuration after securing the lock to your laptop. Achten Sie für maximale Sicherheit darauf, dass Sie alle Einstellräder auf eine zufällige Kombination stellen, nachdem Sie das Schloss an Ihrem Laptop angebracht haben.
  • Página 5 För maximal säkerhet ska du se till att vrida alla sifferhjul till en slumpmässig konfiguration efter att du har fäst låset på den bärbara datorn. Varmista paras mahdollinen turvallisuus kiertämällä kaikki valitsimet satunnaisiin asentoihin, kun lukko on kiinnitetty kannettavaan tietokoneeseen. Maksimaalse turvalisuse tagamiseks keerake kindlasti kõik numbrikettad pärast sülearvuti lukustamist juhuslikesse asenditesse.
  • Página 6 Pentru o siguran ă maximă, asigura i-vă că a i ales o con gura ie aleatorie a tuturor discurilor selectoare după ce a i securizat încuietoarea laptopului dumneavoastră. Максималды қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ету үшін құлыпты лаптопқа бекіткеннен кейін міндетті түрде барлық дискілерді кездейсоқ конфигурацияға бұраңыз.
  • Página 8 Ustawienie resetowania Reset combination Resetovat kombinaci Zahlenkombination zurücksetzen Vynulovať kombináciu Réinitialiser la combinaison Kombinációk alaphelyzetbe állítása Combinatie opnieuw instellen Reseta i combina ia Restablecer combinación Combinazione reimpostata Reinicializar combinação Комбинацияны қайта орнату Nulstil kombination Kombinasyonu sıfırla Tilbakestill kombinasjonslåsen Επαναφορά συνδυασ ού Återställ kombination 重置组合...
  • Página 11
  • Página 12 Kensington and the ACCO name and design are registered trademarks of ACCO Brands All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Covered by one or more of US Pat. No’s 6,081,974; 6,317,936; 6,360,405. ©2020 Kensington Computer Products Group, a division of ACCO Brands. Any unauthorized copying, duplicating, or other reproduction of the contents hereof is prohibited without written consent from Kensington Computer Products Group.