Analysis for 3P4W, 3P3W, 1P2W, 1P3W
True RMS value (V
Active Power (W, KW, MW, GW)
Apparent and Reactive Power (KVA, KVAR)
Power Factor (PF), Phase Angle ( )
Energy (WH, KWH, KVARH, PFH)
Current measurement from 0.1mA to 3000A, capable of analyzing IT standby
power consumption to the maximum demand of a factory
Display of 35 Parameters in One Screen (3P4W)
Programmable CT (1 to 600) and PT (1 to 3000) Ratios
Display of Overlapped Voltage and Current Waveform
Average Demand (AD in W, KW, MW)
Maximum Demand (MD in KW, MW, KVA, MVA) with Programmable Period
Harmonic Analysis to the 99
Display of 50 Harmonics in one Screen with Waveform
Display of Waveform with Peak Values (1024 Samples / Period)
Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD-F)
Graphic Phasor Diagram with 3 Phase System Parameters
Capture 28 Transient Events (Time + Cycles) with Programmable Threshold
DIP, SWELL, and OUTAGE are included in transient events.
3 Phase Voltage or Current Unbalance Ratio (VUR, IUR)
3 Phase Voltage or Current Unbalance Factor (d0%, d2%)
Calculated Unbalanced Current through Neutral Line (In)
512K Memory with Programmable Interval (Sampling time from 2 to 3000
seconds, 17,000 records for 3P4W system)
Output of Waveform, Power Parameters and Harmonics at Command
Large Dot Matrix LCD Display with Backlight
Optical Isolated RS-232C to USB Interface
Built-in timer and calendar for data logging
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